Aug 28Liked by Han Swierstra

Damn, I still haven’t unpacked my weekend bag from two weeks ago and here you go unpacking 8 bags! Congratulations on the 100 subscribers!! The photos are gorgeous as always.

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😂😂 unpacked into 2 piles though which haven’t been organised - keep & not keep! I need to sort the not keep pile into - sell - charity - bin. That could be another 5 weeks !

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Aug 29Liked by Han Swierstra

We have to do the same thing! Well, my son, but you know that turns into “we”. 💖

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I bet!

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Aug 26Liked by Han Swierstra

I love the idea that the modern day desperation to outdo each other stems from survival needs from the past. Makes sense! I hadn’t thought about it before. Though I think modern folk have lost touch a little with what’s needed for survival! It’ll be interesting to see what you come up with for your story set back in those times of monuments.

There was a Time Team type programme set there at your stone circles (at least I think it was Orkney) that I saw years ago which talked about the circle people and how the idea spread through the lands. I’d love to come and see the ones on Orkney one day :)

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Well that's how I reconcile it in my head. I've long had a fascination with the animal kingdom and it's rife there especially in mammals. And yes we have definitely lost touch with what we need for survival - it isn't a Tesla!

You might be thinking of the Neil Oliver programmes on BBC - Britain's Ancient Capital: Secrets of Orkney. It's what started my fascination with neolithic Orkney. Although I saw a post recently by someone to say that 'ancient capital' is misleading, which I would agree with as although their influence was far reaching, having a capital would imply some kind of central governance which seems implausible. Here's the show: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b087vh70

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Haha - yes, no one ‘needs’ a Tesla. It may have been that programme, but it was several years ago I think. It’s definitely a fascinating history that’s still unfolding.

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Loving a 'tada' list too...though mine would be less boxes ticked, and more 'the little things'...

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The little things are good, that's why I included doing 1 workout, sounds little, but it's good for me!

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Sorry, I wasn't clear - though tbh I wasn't sure what I meant anyway! I think maybe I meant un-countable things

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Right, gotcha, although I would argue once you start, everything is countable. It all counts...

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Tomato glut? A simple tomato sauce - will freeze down and be fab all winter for pizza, pasta, soup base etc. And you can make it with your eyes closed...

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Try again!

I loved this post - SO many connections, and I am all about connecting 😊

And I actually snorted my porridge over 'dick-swinging contest' - yep, late breakfast after a long walk with my hound - THE way to remain 'hench' 😊

Shackleton, hell yeah! WHY oh why...one of the saddest exhibitions I've ever seen is the Scott Polar Institute in Cambridge. Scott's letters to the WAGS of the time 😕

And I had to turn off Ben Fogle's tribute expedition... REALLY?!

And books in general - how lovely to be in a book group - I have never found one that suited (bit like Groucho, I'd 'never join a club that would consider having me on its books').

But I am a huge reader, almost entirely fiction, and share tastes with a friend for whom I get to indulge my passion for reading aloud - as I record novels on WhatsApp for her insomnia 😁

I am a big fan of George Mackay Brown, the Orkney hero, and recommend 'Beside the Ocean of Time', my Desert Island Book for decades.

Sorry to burble... ADHD 🙄

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Ha ha ha! Glad you enjoyed that part!!! It's a great phrase. Scott's letters to the WAGS sound interesting, but wow, aren't some people boring! All about status & how many women you can impress.

Oh I love that you read books aloud on WhatsApp for your friend, that's so lovely. I haven't read any George Mackay Brown, but don't let anyone here know please, there's about 5 shelves dedicated to him at the library!


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Aug 26Liked by Han Swierstra

I recommend Claire Thomson’s book ‘Tomato’ for your tomato glut 🍅

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Sounds like a great book, I love tomatoes 🍅

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We took it to France with us and used it a lot

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Just stopped to rewind and ask what is 'hench'? And lost my thread ... literally. Going to make tea and start again 🙄

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😂 I only know it because I used to work with young people! It means toned/strong/muscular etc. I’m never going to be hench!

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Aug 26Liked by Han Swierstra

Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed Shackleton.

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Really interesting wasn’t it? I can’t get over that trip in the James Caird! Rather them than me!

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Aug 26Liked by Han Swierstra

No GPS. No modern day clothing. No accurate weather forecasts. Crazy.

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How they navigated so well is mind blowing!

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