Five thousand year old standing stones and a scrape in Tesco carpark - all in a days work! Glad to hear Kiki enjoyed her stay at the kennels. She was gunning for top billing with the nail polish in that photo šŸ˜†

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She is ALWAYS gunning for top billing that little beast!

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Jun 17Liked by Han Swierstra

Hope you have enjoyable time with the visitors and get those stories down. My atypical typical day is way.more boring with work work work, and maybe some time scrounging in the garden planting some bulbs yesterday, except i ran out of 'potting soil' and hope to buy a bag or two today...

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Nothing worse than running out of potting soil/compost when you're in the swing of the garden. Most of my days are work to be honest, this one was unusually uneventful!

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